Smiling Savage Kiosk #7
A list of related, tangental, or inspirational links shared from this week's browser history

Beautiful grain in this shot…
I’m checking out the subscription-based photo-sharing app Glass, but it’s too early to share opinions.
The Tipping Point from Tears For Fears is their seventh album, and their first in 18 years. Here they are playing the third single, Break the Man, live…
The Atari Music Video was “the earliest commercial electronic music visualizer” and here it is in action…
This week’s earworm: Faithless by The Airborne Toxic Event…
Retro Computing
The Callisto II looks like a wonderful 3D print project. Make sure to check out the retro-themed “product” website too…
Take a look at the pure retro joy of You can also build your own BBS. Looks like lots of fun to load on an old computer…

People are putting the Raspberry Pi Pico into a Commodore 64 cartridge…

Here’s a song written for the Commodore 64 in 256 bytes. The drivers are here.

The Open Lara project (Facebook group) is an open source engine for the classic Tomb Raider game. So, of course there are ports for all kinds of things like a version you can play in your web browser, Game Boy Advance, and the Sega 32X…

Is this the smallest portable Doom yet? Probably not for long…
Okay, I guess I’ll be playing my Switch on it’s side soon…
Grand Tour Legends looks like a great use for the Playdate’s crank…

This D&D game with voice actors is so entertaining…
What Makes a Great Opening Line? by Allegra Hyde is a great read. (Spotted from Arts & Letters Daily)
Soon you’ll be able to make your own “Bread Pirate Roberts” from The Princess Bride Cookbook: The Official Cookbook! (Spotted from The Retro)
The Making of Nox Archaist, written by the designer of the first commercial role-playing game released for the Apple II in almost 30 years, is an insider’s account of the creation of a modern game on a classic computing platform.
Here’s a joke so old that no one really understands it…
I wish a movie of this series could be written with as much fan love as this commercial…
Electric Transportation
The new electric version of the VW bus looks fun, but about the name ID.Buzz…
There is a new MG Marvel R coming to Europe…
And a new electric MG ZS coming to India…
And there’s still another new electric MG4 coming from China…